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Little details from your day

Been amusing myself with a Facebook 30-day song challenge. Today's challenge was to post a classic song I enjoy. I chose Zeppelin's "The Rain Song" and was immediately banned from posting for 24 hours because the album cover to Houses of the Holy is pornographic. I challenged the ban, my post was re...

Little details from your day

I am on a train standing by the door with the train map overhead. A woman boards, gets my attention, and immediately makes her way over to where I'm standing. I think she's deaf or mute or maybe both because she starts pointing to the map, while showing me text messages on her phone. The message wit...

Film: Midsommar Film: Midsommar?

atomjackfuser wrote:Is It OK to Laugh at Midsommar s Ending?Great article. I found this sentence relevant to my experience:Reynor s reaction made me wonder if Midsommar is the rare horror movie designed to make straight men with checkered pasts squirm more than anyone else. It also made me wonder if...

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