Search found 380 matches

Re: Little Details from Your Day

We drove from LA back to Northern California on Thanksgiving Day returning home after visiting family. Took the notoriously horrible Interstate 5 and it was gloriously empty. Made record time, and I didn't get riled up at fellow drivers once. While in LA we took the kids to the Museum of Tolerance. ...

Re: Politics

Finished watching last night's Republican debate. I can only stomach two of the candidates, and just barely. You might be wondering why in the fuck I'd do this, which is fair. I plan to take a Republican ballot in the primary, solely to vote against Trump, and unfortunately it's very plausible that...

Re: Bands you've changed your mind on? (brought over from Facebook)

I hated Bob Seger for years, maybe it was from radio oversaturation from growing up in Michigan, or maybe it was through association with the turkeyneck auto workers who listened to him where I grew up and their racist and misogynistic attitudes, maybe it was just because I hated "turn the pag...

Re: Reverb scam I don't understand

Are there red flags when you receive an offer, but they want to pick it up in person (I do not have it listed for local pickup currently?) I assume that I would take payment safely online when I accept the offer, but I wonder what someone could be trying to pull. I basically don't trust anything any...

Re: "That's it for me" redux.

These gentlemen are, in fact, Canadian lol People actually listen to this shit. Gross. Just the blonde guy is Canadian. Apparently there IS garbage in Vancouver. People on YT are fawning over these two Canadian deep fakes. This seems like a Lonely Is...

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