- Fully stripped all paint. There were at least two layers inside the kick, white over the original factory black. The green stuff came off pretty easily
- Patched unused/extra holes (tom mount in kick, misplaced spur mounting holes, tom muffler mounting screws) with fiberglass or bondo, and fixed a chewed-up bearing edge on the kick with bondo.
- Sanded, primed, & painted interior of kick with matte black hammered spray
- Wiped a couple coats of Danish Oil inside the toms
- Full rewrap with the cheapest, most ridiculous wrap I could find on ebay
- New grommets installed with homemade grommet tool
- Fully disassembled all the lugs, then polished
- Replaced one missing floor tom lug
- Replaced a stripped Fibes lug
- Fabricated new lug inserts for the resonant sides
- Soaked a bunch of cruddy parts in rust remover
- Replaced all screws with stainless
- Replaced a bunch of tension rods
- Replaced missing resonant-side hoops with triple-flanged, batter side are the original die-cast
- New resonant side heads on the toms
- Drilled and mounted modern bass drum spurs in the right place
- Stripped, sanded, & painted the one good kick hoop with black lacquer. One was cracked and I couldn’t get it to glue up strong enough, so I had to replace with a new one and paint that one.
- Got some used cymbals (Sabian AA, 14" regular hats, 16" thin crash, 21" medium-heavy ride converted from a handheld marching cymbal) from drumforum.org and reverb.
- Cleaned the oxidation from the cymbals with Barkeeper’s Friend
- New extended height snare stand to hold the rack tom (I had the other stands already)