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Total votes: 27

Re: band: The Ex

andyman wrote: Incredible. How do people feel about the band solo vs the Brass Unbound lineup though?

The latter performances are in my top shows of all time
I loved Brass Unbound, but I know a couple of people who were turned off by it. I’m also a big fan of Arnold. They can rarely do any wrong, where I’m concerned.

I’ve only seen them with GW Sok and no brass, so I can’t really comment on the current live experience.

Re: band: The Ex

One of my favourites.

I really like how it's worked out with there being two very different vocalists. Sometimes I'm certain I love the Sok period more and other times there's something about Arnold. It's weird that in some ways they're almost like a different band and in others they're exactly the same.

In regards to Brass Unbound. I love some of it. There are live clips that are incredible. The albums I thought were a little inconsistent, from memory. Definitely not bad with some very high highs.

Love the first album with Getatchew Mekurya. The second not so much.

I think Turn is my favourite album (the double bass works so well), but there's about 7 or 8 I rate very highly and love as much as anything. One of the few bands i grow fonder of the older I get.

Re: band: The Ex

I thought The Ex would never survive the loss of GW Sok until I caught some early live clips of the new lineup and witnessed the crazed energetic abandon Arnold was throwing into his performance. Of course Catch My Shoe was brilliant and the following LPs have maintained the band's high standards. Scrabbling At The Lock is still my favorite (thanks Dave N) but I love everything they do.

Re: band: The Ex

tonyballzee wrote: Thu Jun 09, 2022 9:36 am Scrabbling At The Lock is still my favorite (thanks Dave N) but I love everything they do.
You know, that’s the first CD I ever bought, in 1993. I hated CDs at the time, but it was only released on CD, so I bit the bullet. Fortunately my housemate had a CD player (thanks Tonyballzee), so it was in heavy rotation for awhile. I remember you bringing home a dubbed copy of Rid Of Me, and I picked that up on my next trip to Stinkweeds, the second edition to my CD collection. I wouldn’t get my own CD player until I moved to the Tribes House in late ‘94.

And that’s…..the rest of the story!

Re: band: The Ex

Easily the best band ever.
Kat is a terrific drummer. Andy and Terrie are just non-stop bundles of energy.

The show I saw them play with Getatchew Merkuria at Millennium Park years back was transformative for me. I had seen them with Shellac and Fugazi previously, but that Millennium Park show made me a huge fan.

Also "Turn" is brilliant from start to last. My favorite record of theirs.
old stuff

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