
Total votes: 3 (17%)
Not Crap
Total votes: 15 (83%)
Total votes: 18

Film: Nope

Saw it this afternoon and loved it (I have a lot of appreciation for just about everything Peele has done so far, so I'm not surprised.)

It again works on multiple levels, but the primary plot / story was so entertaining that I honestly didn't think about most of it until I was out of the theater and trying to figure out how everything fit together (or maybe I was just too tired today to process it all in real time.)
FKA - the finger genius
Wowza in Kalamazoo wrote: ...the noise of divorce...

Re: Film: Nope

Saw it this weekend and actually thought about making a C/NC poll, as this is the kind of film that prompts discussions with your date after it's over.

I ultimately enjoyed it, though Daniel Kaluuya's character seemed pretty jaded by everything that was happening, that was a little hard to believe. I've read that it's a bit of an homage to Spielberg films, I enjoyed picking out the references to other films he had a hand in.
"Whatever happened to that album?"
"I broke it, remember? I threw it against the wall and it like, shattered."

Re: Film: Nope

I went in knowing absolutely nothing about it, which was kinda cool. Enjoyed it a lot - nothing earth changing or anything, but a cool presentation of a monster movie in a different way.

There’s a fair amount of subtext you can dissect within some of the plot lines, or you can kinda turn off your brain and just let it take you on a fun ride if you want,

Re: Film: Nope

I went in knowing almost nothing. I really like the idea and enjoyed it but am also baffled by it. Seems like it needed more work. I mean, was it a comedy? I certainly wasn't expecting one. But a lot of the dialog was SO DUMB and over the top I laughed out loud. No one else did. There were also some plot holes the size of M. Night Shyamalan plot holes. It probably didn't help that a couple of days before I read that dropping a coin off of the Empire State building only reaches a terminal velocity of 25 MPH.

I'm the weirdo that preferred Us to Get Out.

Re: Film: Nope

tommy wrote: Tue Aug 23, 2022 11:16 am There were also some plot holes the size of M. Night Shyamalan plot holes. It probably didn't help that a couple of days before I read that dropping a coin off of the Empire State building only reaches a terminal velocity of 25 MPH.
It might help the velocity if the coin is spit out by a massive being with lots of gas to employ in the spitting.
"And the light, it burns your a language you don't understand."

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