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Book: Revelation

What are your views on the Book of Revelation? I've studied Bible prophecy for years. Daniel and Revelation are two central texts when it comes to end times prophecy, often mutually reinforcing each other. If you have any questions please feel free to ask.

Revelation is not a literal recounting of what will take place in the end times. It's not a linear narrative. Rather, it is a series of prophetic vignettes with themes, types and symbols that stand in for literal occurrences and figures.

Here's an example. In Revelation 17, the Beast with seven heads and ten horns is ridden by Mystery Babylon. Mystery Babylon isn't a literal scarlet woman. Rather, she stands for a city that rules over the kings of the earth. The seven heads are seven hills or mountains, and prophecy researchers have noted that both Rome and Washington DC sit on seven hills. When we saw Nancy Reagan as a type of Mystery Babylon, it is significant that she lived in DC.

Another example is Revelation 12, where the woman stands for Mary, Israel and the Church, and her child stands both for Jesus and the body of Christ.

The seven churches stand for both churches existing in Asia Minor at John's time, and different types of churches that exist in today's age. We are urged to endure patiently the trials and tribulations shortly to come upon the earth. There is no pretribulation "rapture", in my view. That's an unscriptural heresy that's crept into many Protestant churches. Jesus is only coming back to gather us at the end of the seven year end times period. Things are about to get very rocky indeed - *soon* - and as a watchman on the wall it's my duty to warn people. ... man%20sees,'

I don't know whether Trump, King Charles or someone else is the Antichrist - it's not our duty to speculate about that before his 42 month global reign begins officially. We do need to familiarize ourselves with things the Antichrist will do so that we know what to watch out for.

If you're new to Bible prophecy, the book Jesus, the Jews and the End of the Age by Brock Hollett is one book I'd recommend as a great overview.

Have you read Revelation? What are your thoughts? Love it? Hate it?

Re: Book: Revelation

I was raised in a very conservative Christian household and was taught that the events in the bible actually happened. This is undoubtedly the coolest thing you can tell a child.

I was fascinated with the book and always flipped to it in my King James bible during the sermon while our pastor lobbed fire and brimstone over my head.

I remember my dad getting into heated debates with my Methodist uncle about how the inerrant Word of God couldn't possibly be allegory. I choose to take this position whenever the bible comes up because dragons are cool.

I credit the Revelations with my interest in D&D, heavy metal, Tolkien, RPGs, Doom, Gore, murder, etc.

You're doing your child a disservice if you don't raise them to believe the Rapture is coming in their lifetime and God is going to let so, so many people die in excruciating agony.

Crap, significant waffles for being Extremely Metal.
New metal outfit

Re: Book: Revelation

As one of the best Fastbacks tunes an emphatic not crap.

I grew-up in the Baptist church. My grandfather was a pastor and my grandmother owned a religious book store. I went to church and Sunday School every weekend and played drums/sang in the church choir. This all lasted until I was able to assert my own agency and declare bullshit around the age of 12 or so. There's a lot of freaky shit happening in the Bible; you just know that men interpreted it. A literal cinematic retelling of the Book of Revelation would be incredible. No CGI. Michael Tolkin's version of the Rapture didn't go far enough and Omen III: The Final Conflict was corny.

Speaking of my grandparents in their home they used to have these terrifying African wooden figurines. Really slim and tall with elongated faces. Scared the hell out of me but I was also enamored with them. Looked like aliens.
Justice for Dexter Wade and Nakari Campbell

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