Non-Dairy Milk

Total votes: 1 (5%)
Total votes: 1 (5%)
Total votes: 14 (74%)
Cashew (No votes)
Hemp (No votes)
Total votes: 1 (5%)
Rice (No votes)
Flax (No votes)
Total votes: 2 (11%)
Total votes: 19

Non-Dairy Milk Dome

Oat is usually my go-to but I do like almond and cashew milk quite a bit. Many years back soy milk was the only non-dairy option in stores around where I lived so I tolerated but it never grew on me.

I remember hemp milk being fine, and some coconut milk in a fancy espresso drink can be nice. I don't think I've tried any of the others.

Harvey Milk was a great band.

Re: Non-Dairy Milk Dome

Oat is probably the best balance of taste and ingredients I feel alright about consuming. Nut milks like almond taste good but the process consumes a LOT of water. Soy milk tastes fine to me but I've read conflicting things whether it's good to eat or not (fermented soy like miso is health beneficial though). Coconut is fine as its own thing but terrible in coffee or tea drinks. Rice milk is fine but we have much better options these days (shout out to the nineties vegans..)

Re: Non-Dairy Milk Dome

I don't have much experience with this topic. I don't have issues with lactose (though I have tried Lactaid.. and it isn't bad.. though off-topic), and the non-dairy substitutes I have tried (soy in particular) have not been good. That being said, I acknowledge there are more reasons than intolerance to lactose to consider drinking non-dairy milk and am now interested to try oat milk in particular.
jason (he/him/his) from volo (illinois)

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