Who was a better lyricist?

Bob Dylan
Total votes: 2 (25%)
Leonard Cohen
Total votes: 6 (75%)
Total votes: 8

Re: Master of lyricism

Dylan for this alone:

yeah, God said to Abraham, "Kill me a son"
Abe said, "Man, you must be puttin' me on"
God said, "No", Abe said, "What?"
God said, "You can do what you want Abe, but
The next time you see me comin' you better run"
God said, "Where do you want this killin' done?"
Out on Highway 61

Re: Master of lyricism

I can't pick. Love em both too much.

Cohen has a tighter more carefully worked and revised feel. Closer to a traditional poet. Bob went through a period of about 10 years where he was like a faucet where brilliant lyrics would just pour out. Much looser, more of a manic Beat kind of vibe.

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