Beach House (the band)

Total votes: 3 (43%)
Not Crap
Total votes: 4 (57%)
Total votes: 7

Beach House

I know that on paper it sounds like the biggest hipster turd ever turded (is that a word?), but man, I just love their music. It just takes me to a special place. I think they are incredible musicians and they are able to create something that hundreds of bands and musicians after them tried to copy and failed miserably.

P.S. unrelated, but would you like to live in a beach house? I think it would be fun for maybe a month or two, but it would become a nightmare with time.
Sorry for my shitty English

Re: Beach House

Not crap. Wasn't crazy about their first two albums, until Bloom. That was the one that did it for me. Gorgeous, shimmering, Cocteau Twins-esque tunes. Liked a few songs on Depression Cherry, but haven't really followed them since. It's wild that their fan base has grown since 'Space Song' blew up on TikTok, good for them.

Maybe I'd live in a beach house? My grandparents had a condo on Edisto Island, South Carolina, that I went with them to for a week in 1997. The Atlantic was right there. Honestly, it was boring. There wasn't much to do except relax and/or wade around in the dirty ocean. I want to be where there's stuff to do.
"Whatever happened to that album?"
"I broke it, remember? I threw it against the wall and it like, shattered."

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