Which Burning Airlines album gives you so much more?

Mission: Control (1999)
Total votes: 6 (86%)
Identikit (2001)
Total votes: 1 (14%)
Total votes: 7

Burning Airlines Thunderdome - Mission: Control v. Identikit


Two Burning Airlines albums, both alike in dignity.

Despite me being big into Jawbox (the SF date of their reunion tour is one of the best shows I've seen) it took me a little longer to get into Burning Airlines. It finally clicked a couple months ago on a long drive back from my hometown; I wonder if me getting into XTC had anything to do with it.

Right now, I think Mission: Control slightly edges out Identikit. If I listen to Identikit in isolation, it kicks ass, but in context of M:C that album just sounds more consistent throughout (despite me thinking Identikit has a better initial salvo of songs).

(Also, am I the only one who noticed how much the vocal melody to "Outside the Aviary" resembles the melody to the fuckin' Bluey theme song?)
Formerly FM kazoozak. Guy in Fake Canadian.

Re: Burning Airlines Thunderdome - Mission: Control v. Identikit

Identikit was a highly anticipated album for me at the time. I listened to it for months and months, with that look of anticipation like Bart's classmates when they're waiting for him to say "I didn't do it", but the payoff just never came for me. Great musicianship at the expense of hooks or even much heart honestly. Too "brainy".
defendyachtrock wrote: (Also, am I the only one who noticed how much the vocal melody to "Outside the Aviary" resembles the melody to the fuckin' Bluey theme song?)
My niece and nephew watch that and I didn't pick up on it, but I hear it now!

That's also the best song on the album, though it doesn't stick around quite long enough to soar. (and of course it has a goofy prog ending)

Re: Burning Airlines Thunderdome - Mission: Control v. Identikit

penningtron wrote: Sat Jun 01, 2024 10:30 am
losthighway wrote: Sat Jun 01, 2024 8:46 am Identikit leans a little harder into the wacky.
It was also the era where every recording mixed in ProTools slightly resembled a Linkin Park record with pointless bleepy bloops and filters.

They worked their way a bit into Bluetip's Polymer too (also mixed by J.Robbins) but I still love those songs. I rarely revisit Identikit.
I can imagine after years on a desk the prospect of quick cut up edits and crazy EQ segues was tempting everyone.

That said, my band mates and I were talking about with Steve's passing Mr. Robbins is nearly peerless as an excellent underground rock engineer (put Kurt Ballou and Greg Norton down in the select few). The whole thing gave us a sense of carpe diem and we're looking at heading out to Baltimore next year to record some music.

Re: Burning Airlines Thunderdome - Mission: Control v. Identikit

I’ve listened to Mission: Control one and a half times today and I think I’ve come to the same conclusion as most of y’all that it’s clearly superior to Identikit. Granted Identikit’s title track and its first two songs I think are absolutely stellar, but the first album, again, is just so much more consistent throughout.

I’m curious since some of y’all were probably actually following the band in real-time; what was the initial reaction to Burning Airlines post-Jawbox? As far as I could glean from some interviews, after Zach quit, Kim didn’t want to play with the guy who would go on to be the BA drummer and left, and eventually they more or less morphed into BA. I could have that wrong but that’s my recollection.
Formerly FM kazoozak. Guy in Fake Canadian.

Re: Burning Airlines Thunderdome - Mission: Control v. Identikit

defendyachtrock wrote: Sat Jun 01, 2024 6:56 pm I’ve listened to Mission: Control one and a half times today and I think I’ve come to the same conclusion as most of y’all that it’s clearly superior to Identikit. Granted Identikit’s title track and its first two songs I think are absolutely stellar, but the first album, again, is just so much more consistent throughout.

I’m curious since some of y’all were probably actually following the band in real-time; what was the initial reaction to Burning Airlines post-Jawbox? As far as I could glean from some interviews, after Zach quit, Kim didn’t want to play with the guy who would go on to be the BA drummer and left, and eventually they more or less morphed into BA. I could have that wrong but that’s my recollection.
I remember J saying he'd gotten tired of the information overload/guitar part competition between him and Bill, but the prospect of having him on bass alleviated that problem.

Re: Burning Airlines Thunderdome - Mission: Control v. Identikit

losthighway wrote: Sat Jun 01, 2024 7:59 pm I remember J saying he'd gotten tired of the information overload/guitar part competition between him and Bill, but the prospect of having him on bass alleviated that problem.
Interesting point. I’m always curious whenever you have someone like J who went down from a 2-guitar band to a 1-guitar band (since I made that transition myself), and how that comes out on record. I feel like you can’t go too crazy with any extra guitar parts as a three-piece in the studio, as if it gets too exciting you may miss it live. (Considering they became a four-piece live after Identikit, I’m guessing J felt it wasn’t feeling full enough live without.)
Formerly FM kazoozak. Guy in Fake Canadian.

Re: Burning Airlines Thunderdome - Mission: Control v. Identikit

defendyachtrock wrote: Fri May 31, 2024 11:04 am

Two Burning Airlines albums, both alike in dignity.

Despite me being big into Jawbox (the SF date of their reunion tour is one of the best shows I've seen) it took me a little longer to get into Burning Airlines. It finally clicked a couple months ago on a long drive back from my hometown; I wonder if me getting into XTC had anything to do with it.

Right now, I think Mission: Control slightly edges out Identikit. If I listen to Identikit in isolation, it kicks ass, but in context of M:C that album just sounds more consistent throughout (despite me thinking Identikit has a better initial salvo of songs).

(Also, am I the only one who noticed how much the vocal melody to "Outside the Aviary" resembles the melody to the fuckin' Bluey theme song?)
A couple of things that stuck out to me...

If you took "A Lexicon" and stuck it on a Jellyfish record without telling anyone?

I tend to think folks would be none the wiser.

"Outside The Aviary" is also a number that would fit right in on an album by The Dambuilders.

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