Dark Side of the Moon

Bongwater (C)
Total votes: 6 (19%)
Bongfuel (NC, WF)
Total votes: 14 (45%)
Underrated (NC, no WF)
Total votes: 10 (32%)
Why are you listening to Pink Floyd, dude?
Total votes: 1 (3%)
Total votes: 31

Album: Dark Side of the Moon

I listened to this on a long drive recently.

Man, I am so torn about this record. Interesting use of early analog synths. Some great guitar italy/spain stuff from David Gilmour. The whole record is very vibey, has some nice moments. If "Any Colour You Like" came out as a single this week from some group of suspiciously enthusiastic Post-Berklee LA hipsters, it would get 11 out of 10 stars from Pitchforke and would be in 9,000 TikToks before sundown on Valentine's Day.

THAT SAID, lyrically, there's a terribly frustrating amount of moon/spoon/June songwriting on side 1 and the sort of "Oh, Bruv- don't get caught up in, like, a MATERIAL trip, maaan, and get stuck working for the MAAAAN, MAAAN," and "Like, maybe WE'RE THE CRAZY ONES, MAAN," lyrical content.

I would love to hear FM Kerble's take on it.

Also, I feel like the caterwauling on "The Great Gig in the Sky" really goes on a bit, innit?
tbone wrote: Sun Dec 10, 2023 11:58 pm I imagine at some point as a practicality we will all start assuming that this is probably the last thing we gotta mail to some asshole.

Re: Album: Dark Side of the Moon

"On the Run" is the only song I'd voluntarily listen to. I think classic-rock radio burned me out on this record before my age was in the double digits. I like the idea of dropping bespoke interview snippets into the songs, but the snippets themselves are dumb and mock-profound.

CRAP, and I enjoy a decent amount of Pink Floyd.
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Re: Album: Dark Side of the Moon

None of the poll choices resonate for me, but I'm also not sure I have a better suggestion yet. I think there's a Tone Attorney/$10,000 speaker cable option of some sort missing, though.

I am a huge fan of the pre-Dark-Side Floyd, but this record is where they and I part ways. Full disclosure - I still own the records they put out afterwards, but I haven't played them since high school. But give me Live at Pompeii film without the studio filler and I will gladly loop that for infinity.

Not sure I can give this record crap rating, but it's one I can never hear again and be just fine.

Re: Album: Dark Side of the Moon

Kind of hard to review it with fresh ears. Basically had the whole thing memorized by age 13.

First few tracks are still pretty great, especially sonically, then dips a bit. "Money" is a good single but doesn't really fit the flow of the album at all. Throwaway instrumental, then the final fused-together songs that used to make my arm hairs stand up now sound a bit cheesy.

Not Crap, but hardly The Greatest Shit Ever its reputation would have you believe. Meddle is better, especially the Pompeii version of "Echoes".

Re: Album: Dark Side of the Moon

There's a lot of hints to what was going to happen later in their careers. I'm not sure how they made this record then a few years later make Animals. Maybe they didn't hate their jobs more than they missed Syd? I can't imagine the impact a bandmate spinning out of control has on the songwriting. I guess you gotta work that shit out.

When you look at something like Animals, where they performed as a band (probably) at the peak of their powers, DSofM is a misstep.

Re: Album: Dark Side of the Moon

Always liked the first two LPs and Wish You Were Here, and I have learned to like more Floyd stuff over the last few years.

Dark Side and The Wall are pretty cold records, though, and there's not enough of whatever else to move me much.
Dark Side sounds great, though, and is just this side of not being totally overstuffed.

Eh...bongfuel, have at it.

Re: Album: Dark Side of the Moon

dontfeartheringo wrote: Tue Jan 28, 2025 1:42 pm Also, I feel like the caterwauling on "The Great Gig in the Sky" really goes on a bit, innit?
Boo! Don't start no mess and there won't be none.

"Money" is my least favorite song but whatever. Beautiful record that still goes into my ear holes. I don't play guitar, but whenever I get a hold of one I butcher "Breathe."

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Re: Album: Dark Side of the Moon

Not crap, waffles for "Money" and "Gig." Sounds amazing, it's no wonder audiophiles use it to test equipment. Alan Parsons was a great engineer.

As others have mentioned, Meddle, Animals, and Pompeii (In the Shadow of Vesuvius) are better albums. Listened to Animals yesterday, so good. That guitar solo during "Echoes" (around 9:00 mark) on Pompeii is one of the best committed to tape.

Personally, Atom Heart Mother is fucking amazing. Maybe a rank is in order here.

Funny that talk of this record almost always leads to talk of the other records. Maybe a product of being overplayed in the 80s. I still would not say it's overrated.
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