Pint-sized egomaniacal powerhouses. Thinking today about their MANY similarities.
A few years back I woulda shilled for Glenn unhesitatingly, but I've really been getting into Rainbow and Dehumanizer of late which makes it a closer call for me; though I have also recently cracked Danzig 4 after 20yrs of writing it off as pretentious (it's great: I am idiot).
What say you?
Re: Rock singer-dome: Danzig vs Dio
2I love everything Glenn did through Danzig III, but Ronnie could scream the paint off walls. Both nice guys, surprisingly. Too hard to vote.
We're headed for social anarchy when people start pissing on bookstores.
Re: Rock singer-dome: Danzig vs Dio
3I know more Danzig than Dio so I should not vote.
I love early Misfits.
I'll leave it at that.
EDIT: stupidity removed
I love early Misfits.
I'll leave it at that.
EDIT: stupidity removed
Last edited by jfv on Wed Jan 29, 2025 8:36 pm, edited 1 time in total.
jason (he/him/his) from volo (illinois)
Re: Rock singer-dome: Danzig vs Dio
4RJD has more range in any way one could consider, plus, he seemed like an affable gentleman. A real mensch.
still rules
still rules
Justice for Emily Pike, Sam Nordquist, Randall Adjessom, Javion Magee, Destinii Hope, Kelaia Turner, Dexter Wade and Nakari Campbell
Re: Rock singer-dome: Danzig vs Dio
5I vote Dio just cuz I think he's cooler. He's on records going back as far as 1958 when he was still a teenager. He basically rode with rock music from doo-wop & guitar instrumentals onward until he died. Every account I've read says he was very well-liked and a nice guy.
Love some early Misfits, and Danzig's vocals really make 'em. Don't know much of their later stuff, or much of his solo work. All I know is he acts like a tough guy and makes REALLY bad movies now.
Love some early Misfits, and Danzig's vocals really make 'em. Don't know much of their later stuff, or much of his solo work. All I know is he acts like a tough guy and makes REALLY bad movies now.
Re: Rock singer-dome: Danzig vs Dio
6RJD has pipes but his music stinks. Misfits/Samhain/Danzig I all the way.
Re: Rock singer-dome: Danzig vs Dio
7Singing? Oh fuck, that's easy. RJD. Dude can actually sing. Brick Boy is a hack douche.
Better fromtman? Danzig. Gotta give it to him there.
Better fromtman? Danzig. Gotta give it to him there.
Last edited by AttackChimp on Wed Jan 29, 2025 7:43 pm, edited 1 time in total.
Re: Rock singer-dome: Danzig vs Dio
8RJD is a legend but The Misfits and Samhain were a formative influence for me and I enjoy Glenn's music more.
In the cage match of tiny Italian men Mr. Anzalone takes it.
In the cage match of tiny Italian men Mr. Anzalone takes it.
Re: Rock singer-dome: Danzig vs Dio
9Dio is a better singer (love Rainbow and his Sabbath tenure). Danzig has more good records.
Re: Rock singer-dome: Danzig vs Dio
10I got to see the RJD version of Black Sabbath on the Live Evil tour and it was like the arena was being struck by a hammer.
His Rainbow albums and the first two under his own name are pretty righteous as well, and I recently made the happy discovery of his early 70s boogie band Elf, which is a hoot.
I like a few Misfits songs.
His Rainbow albums and the first two under his own name are pretty righteous as well, and I recently made the happy discovery of his early 70s boogie band Elf, which is a hoot.
I like a few Misfits songs.