Vistalite restoration project-Post your Vista-porn pics

---Inspired by the gracious advice and awesome pictures of vistalites provided by dontfeartheringo, among others, I have decided to begin restoring my drums. They're REALLY fucked-up. I'll post some pictures on here throughout the process if anyone's interested in that sort of thing.

Kick drum...kicked. Damn. The guy I lent this kit out to when I was 13, split the kick at the seam and then duct-taped it together. Nice goin.

Scratches, gouges...

Looking better. Stripped hardware and cleaned.

These pics are deceptive. The scratches are gnarly and plentiful.

More to come...
Last edited by Dr Venkman_Archive on Tue Dec 04, 2007 8:14 am, edited 1 time in total.

offal wrote:Holy shit.

Kerble was wrong.

This certainly changes things.

Vistalite restoration project-Post your Vista-porn pics

Wow. That kick drum has been soundly abused. I should think that you might want to just get another shell from the Gold-n-Times and transfer the hardware.

If you want to get goo and tarnish off of lugs and hoops and tension rods, I suggest soaking everything for 24 hours in Simple Green, then just wipe off the residue and then polish with chrome polish. You'll be amazed.
Redline wrote:Not Crap. The sound of death? The sound of FUN! ScrrreeEEEEEEE

Vistalite restoration project-Post your Vista-porn pics

dontfeartheringo wrote:Wow. That kick drum has been soundly abused. I should think that you might want to just get another shell from the Gold-n-Times and transfer the hardware.

If you want to get goo and tarnish off of lugs and hoops and tension rods, I suggest soaking everything for 24 hours in Simple Green, then just wipe off the residue and then polish with chrome polish. You'll be amazed.

Toothpaste is also a good polish for Acrylic/Perspex. Though it would be damned expensive to buy a sufficient quantity for this.
"Why stop now, just when I'm hating it?" - Marvin

Vistalite restoration project-Post your Vista-porn pics

alex maiolo wrote:How do you repair a cracked seam anyway?


From here:

Plastics distributor and manufacturer, GE Polymershapes, Inc., offers a line of special glues for repairing cracks and breaks in acrylic plastic. Formerly known as “Cadillac Plastics” during the 70’s-80’s, this company produced the acrylic material for the Ludwig Drum Company’s “Vistalite” drums.

The glue, made by “Weldon”, comes in 3 different viscosities:
1) “Weldon 3” – has a watery consistency and penetrates into hairline
cracks. It molecularly bonds (melts) plastic together and permanently
seals the crack.
2) “Weldon 5” – has a consistency of syrup and is used for joining together
3) “Weldon 10” – is thicker than #5, has a consistency of honey and is used
also for joining together breaks.

Both Weldon 3 and 5 are clear and colorless; Weldon 10 has an opaque cast and therefore best when used where it would be least conspicuous – i.e. – on darker colored Vistalites, or for re-joining unglued seams.
Redline wrote:Not Crap. The sound of death? The sound of FUN! ScrrreeEEEEEEE

Vistalite restoration project-Post your Vista-porn pics

dontfeartheringo wrote:
alex maiolo wrote:How do you repair a cracked seam anyway?


From here:

The glue, made by “Weldon”, comes in 3 different VistaCosities:

Fixed your post.

Great information! One day, when I have the space, I'm going to get a drumkit, and it will be one of these. A restoration project might be the ticket.

Itchy McGoo wrote:I would like to be a "shoop-shoop" girl in whatever band Alex Maiolo is in.

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