snare length

What is a proper snare length for a snare drum? Of the four snare drums that we have, two of them have a snare with a smaller length than the diameter of the drum, with the end clips resting on the bottom head. One has a snare exactly the length of the drum diameter, with the end clips resting on the rim, and the other has a snare longer than the diameter of the drum, with the end clips completely outside the bottom head. The latter I think would be most ideal, in having only the snares touching the bottom head. Is there even a proper length, or is it mostly based on preference?
Bob, son of Kat- Wiffleball, and all around, Champ.

snare length

I depends on the throw off mechanism. Isn't it? You can't put a longer than the diameter snare on a ludwig supraphonic, it will bend upwards unless you set the snares real loose. The shorter the snares are, the more damping to the bottom head, it'll sound more like a tom and will ring less. If the snares are longer than the diameter of the head then the snare will be brighter and will ring more. Now I'll wait for ringo's answer too.

snare length

You can only buy snare strands for most drums in standard lengths. Most snare throws and butts are basically some variation of the same theme as the Ludwig P-85 and P-32:The snares attach via strings or a plastic strip:so, figure out if your snare drum is 14" or not and buy the appropriate snares and Bob's your uncle.UNLESS you have an odd snare drum, like the Radio KingLudwig Super Sensitive or the Tama Imperial Star (the bottom one)So, each of these drums has its own weird little quirk about the length of the snare and how it attaches to the snare tensioner, or "throw", but....In the case of each of these drums, hey, guess what! Puresound makes 'em and you can buy 'em, so don't overthink this.14" snares go on 14" drums and so on.Puresound makes the best replacement snares, in my opinion, and they get them to you quickly.Here endeth the lesson.
Redline wrote:Not Crap. The sound of death? The sound of FUN! ScrrreeEEEEEEE

snare length

SchmutZ wrote: we have had a problem with various items on the house set mysteriously changing into crappier versions of their former selves, usually after a certain band practices. That would REALLY piss me off. The only thing worse than a thief is a thief who thinks he's clever, innit?Puresounds are the way to go, undoubtedly. I get a lot of stuff from Andy Foote at Great guy, good prices, and if you call him and ask, he'll have more knowledgeable answers than I can provide. 615-251-1146They will match any competitor's price, too. You should know.
Redline wrote:Not Crap. The sound of death? The sound of FUN! ScrrreeEEEEEEE

snare length

Schmutz, about that snare ring, it could be the wires holding the snares to the throw off and butt. I've had this problem with the wires on my snare, they weren't strong enough or the ties weren't good so they started loosening and made the snares ring for hours.

snare length

dontfeartheringo wrote:so, figure out if your snare drum is 14" or not and buy the appropriate snares and Bob's your uncle.Here endeth the lesson.Bob is my Uncle, and I am an Uncle Bob. This makes sense, but we have had a problem with various items on the house set mysteriously changing into crappier versions of their former selves, usually after a certain band practices. The snare drum in question completely changed how it sounded one day, and it has never been the same. It used to be our go to snare, but now rings like a bastard, and after tuning and re-tuning, I was wondering if the snares were to blame. But now I know where to get replacement snares, so lesson appreciated.And duct tape, TP, and some careful gating/compression has mostly eliminated the ring.
Bob, son of Kat- Wiffleball, and all around, Champ.

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