by dontfeartheringo_Archive
Can you guys keep this amongst us? Little secret... I don't want to drive the price of these up too much...A week and a half ago, I bought my second-ever Ludwig Acrolite. That's the student model aluminum drum they started making some time in the mid-'60s. (I don't remember why I ever got rid of the first one.) You've seen a zillion of them, probably. They look like this:Most of them are 5 x 14 and they're as common as fleas on a barn dog.The one I just got cost me $100. You can get them cheaper or for just slightly more if you're not looking for one of the '60s collectible ones.The thin aluminum makes for a really fat sound. I realize that it's counterintuitive, but heavier materials make for a pingier drum. Check out this brass drum:http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ed8Brhh5a4UNow compare that to this Supraphonic, which is the famous Ludalloy Aluminum drum with chrome plating, which is what John Bonham played:http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=W-RWfwsXcPMNow, here's the secret: the acrolite is the same drum, just not chrome plated.http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9Uax3Pb8DdQif you want the same thing in a 6.5 snare, Ludwig makes a thing called a Galaxy snare, which is a 6.5 x 14 snare with a black glitter coating.http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EOkShVYEBVUHere's one on eBay for less than $300 shipped.These are good drums, and they're cheap. You don't need to buy a Craviotto (Retail Price: $1,495.00) to get a great sounding snare.My gift to you, my dearest PRF.
Redline wrote:Not Crap. The sound of death? The sound of FUN! ScrrreeEEEEEEE