
Total votes: 6 (14%)
Not Crap
Total votes: 36 (86%)
Total votes: 42

Belief: Feminism

N/C, obviously.

The fact it's a dirty word makes it less, not more crap. Many self-described feminists are obnoxious self-righteous idiots, true, but that's true of any movement or political program, from environmentalism to DIY punk.

There are, sort of, three waves of feminism. And most people still associate feminism with 2nd wave stuff. Get w/ the latest shit. And fuck Andrea Dworkin up the ass with one of Kathy Acker's vibrators.

Belief: Feminism

Florence King, the reluctant feminist icon who wrote a great book called With Charity Towards None: A Fond Look at Misanthropy, said that feminism, as it is generally practiced today, is wired to fail.

She makes the point that anytime there is a feminist march, there are sub-feminists diluting the event: Feminists for Animal Rights, Feminists Against Nukes, Gay Feminists, Feminists Against Poverty, Republican Feminists, etc.
Her point is that the same thing wouldn't have happened at The Million Man March - that was about one goal.
The Gay Feminists probably have major issues with the Republican Feminists (unless they are Mary Cheney) and not all Feminists are vegetarians, obviously. In King's eyes, that just saps power from the event, which is ostensibly about women getting a fair shake, that's it, and has nothing to do with sub-agendas.

She goes on to make the observation that such inclusion; that all ideas are welcome; the "there is no wrong answer" ideology is, well, really stereotypically maternal and girly.


Belief: Feminism

feminism IS a quest for "sexes-be-equalism". they've sometimes take a strong stance to make up for countless millenia of oppression. it's a tough pill for us males to swallow and i have trouble swallowing it. that doesn't make it wrong, that makes it right. are there some misguided people who call themselves feminists? sure, like andrew said there are boneheads in any movement.

and that inclusion thing, that's also an issue that affects every movement. you need to be inclusive to get the numbers to make an impact, but then there's infighting. there's infighting in every movement (yes, the black civil rights movement too), though it seems like the left is plagued by it much worse than the right. it's so frustrating watching the left flounder around arguing with itself and self-deprecating while the right remorselessly conquers everything. i think it's because the analytical, compassionate leftist mindset leads to guilt and confusion whereas the right-wing "get yours" ideology is simpler.

Belief: Feminism

Saying feminism is crap is like saying racial equality is crap -at least to me-. Feminism mean that women can look at the world through their own experiences, and I see everything right with that. I agree with Andrew, the word "feminism" has been hijacked. like many words, by a loony fringe on the left, and by even loonier fringe on the right.

Popular Mechanics Report of 9-11

NIST Investigation of the World Trade Center Disaster

Belief: Feminism

i'm for feminism in general, like andrew pointed out, things have changed in the last decade or so. there has been a realisation, in academic circles at least, that to assume a commonality based soley on gender is ridiculous and exclusive. just because you are a man, for example, doesn't necessarily mean that i will understand and sympathise with your experience of the world. feminism is, to me, an important part of over-riding goals of equality and justice, regardless of race, gender, sexual orientation, ethnicity etc etc. the most important thing is to effect cultural change
in a patriarchy feminism will equal ineffectualism (may be small 'victories' here and there) unless men (the agents of change in a patriarchy) support and help work towards the goals.



Belief: Feminism

Andrew L. wrote:There are, sort of, three waves of feminism. And most people still associate feminism with 2nd wave stuff. Get w/ the latest shit. And fuck Andrea Dworkin up the ass with one of Kathy Acker's vibrators.

What that guy said. If women at large knew the consequences of their writings, Andrea Dworkin and Catherine McKinnon would've been strung up by their ovaries a long time ago.
You had me at Sex Traction Aunts Getting Vodka-Rogered On Glass Furniture

Belief: Feminism

There was a poll recently in the UK (I'm trying to find a link) which asked whether women would be happy to describe themselves as feminists.

The majority stated that they would not happily describe themselves as feminists.

This discovery reminded me of Douglas Adams' animal invention which would introduce itself and recommend parts of it's anatomy for immediate consumption. If women don't actually want equality, then who are we to dictate that they must have it?

Regardless of the above, it's a clear N/C?

Belief: Feminism

Gramsci wrote:
Adam CR wrote:T...If women don't actually want equality, then who are we to dictate that they must have it?

Regardless of the above, it's a clear N/C?

Sometimes we have to force people to be free...

It wasn't a genuine question so much as a statement of exasperation.

Most people's reactions to the poll seemed to be that when (young) women think 'feminist' they thing hairy bull-dyke, but this fact shows (young) women in an even worse light IMO.

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