often maligned drummer: ringo

no man, not crap, fit perfect, like it should be
Total votes: 53 (84%)
if crap had drumsticks, he'd be the first flushed
Total votes: 10 (16%)
Total votes: 63

drummer: Ringo Starr

I really enjoy his drumming. His "drum solo" in the "The End" is great but maybe not as great as Paul, John and George trading leads.

I have a book that gives the story behind all of their songs as far as recording, what inspired it, who played what and what the Beatles and other people think of the songs. It may not be completely accurate but it's pretty interesting.

drummer: Ringo Starr

Do you know that as a solo artist, Ringo had the most #1 hits of all the Beatles?

I think Ringo is/was a good, simple, solid drummer, without an ounce of flash, and well-suited to the band he was in. But I think he gets plenty of credit for it - though all the many compliments are usually prefaced with "he never gets the credit he deserves."

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