Woody Allen

Total votes: 8 (23%)
Not Crap
Total votes: 27 (77%)
Total votes: 35

Filmmaker: Woody Allen


see Bananas, Everything You Wanted to Know about Sex or Sleeper for early, funny splastick Woody Allen in Mel Brooks mode. I think his later seriocomic stuff is a mixed bag, some great ones like Annie Hall, Manhatten, Husbands & Wives and plenty of misses like Hannah & Her Sisters, Manhatten Murder Mystery or Small Time Crooks.

Deconstructing Harry was his last consisent movie. Often Woody Allen's films are too insulated in his upper class, white, pseudo intellectual New York mentality and can be somewhat self indulgent. Isn't his latest film with Will Ferrell? I guess he is getting too old to play himself.
"A cynic is a man who, when he smells flowers, looks around for a coffin."
H. L. Mencken


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