Todd Solondz?

Total votes: 8 (31%)
Not Crap!
Total votes: 18 (69%)
Total votes: 26

Filmmaker: Todd Solondz

He seems to be trying pretty hard at being transgressive, but his movies are really, really tiresome. CRAP. Zero waffle factor.
matthew wrote:His Life and his Death gives us LIFE.......supernatural life- which is His own life because he is God and Man. This is all straight nuttiness or mystical crap here.

Filmmaker: Todd Solondz

Underneath his movies is the idea that the world is golden and idyllic until someone fucks with you around the beginning of adolecence, and after that you're fucked for life (cf., final scene of Happiness). Valid viewpoint for victims of pedophiles, just as the viewpoint of Requiem for a Dream resonates with people I know who wrestle with addiction, but neither one works for me at all.

Only waffle factors are his talents for casting and dialogue.

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