
Total votes: 13 (15%)
not crap
Total votes: 72 (85%)
Total votes: 85

Band: Stereolab

The first time I saw Stereolab it was fun, fun, fun. Everyone onstage seemed to be having a ball, and people in the crowd I knew to be sourpusses were tapping their toes and nodding their heads in spite of themselves. It's all crafty and krauty and feel-good music, but it works on me.

Band: Stereolab

Stereolab... really loungy, electronic music filled with beats, vibes, and pulse. They have a really solid formula for writing songs and creating albums that never seem to let me down. Some albums I like more than others. The best one they ever released was 'Dots and Loops' (IMO). Awesome record... Track 1 (brakhage) alone is worth owning the album. A must have in my record bin. Anyways....

I could have been a contender...

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