PJ Harvey?

Total votes: 9 (16%)
Not Crap
Total votes: 46 (84%)
Total votes: 55

Musician: PJ Harvey

I can't believe this hasn't been done. NOT CRAP, no waffle factor. I like all of her albums (some more than others obviously), and she is a great performer. Her show last year at the Riviera was amazing.
There are crispy fries waiting to come out of your oven: you just have to make them and put them there.

Musician: PJ Harvey

I had a real hard time getting into her early on (circa Rid of Me), but seems as though time has opened my ears to her work. I really like Rid of Me, To Bring You My Love, and the new record. She was supposed to open for Sonic Youth in Kansas City but she was, I guess, stopped at the Canadian border. I guess what I mean to say is NOT CRAP.


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