brian eno-goofy mystic god or boring dork

Total votes: 4 (5%)
not crap
Total votes: 70 (95%)
Total votes: 74

musician-producer-odd looking feller: Brian Eno

You absolutely cannot fault those first coupla' solo records
Before and after science / Here come the warm jets / Anothergreen world
Taking tiger mountain by strategy / the first 3 roxy music records.
An odd bit of revisionist history came to me a coupla years ago.
As a kid i always liked the Talking Heads, especially that song
Once in a lifetime. Though listening to it now it just seems to be
an extension of where he was going on his solo records. At twelve
i was a bit clueless as to the eno axis of treatments he was smearing all over that music. "Remain in Light " is one of my favorites so far as production in music that was not written by him.
oh yeah, i still really love / like Achtung Baby.
i feel like i just admitted i like to club baby seals.

Glynnis Chips
ChoCko is back in town!

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