Deep Purple

Total votes: 7 (28%)
Not crap
Total votes: 18 (72%)
Total votes: 25

Re: 70s rockers: Deep Purple

I saw them as a high school senior in Long Beach, California in the 80s. Ian Gillan on vocals. Good show. Everyone on the arena floor was standing on their seats. I was about 40 rows back or so, and every time Ian Paice hit his kick drum, my windbreaker would billow out behind me from the air displacement.
"And the light, it burns your a language you don't understand."

Re: 70s rockers: Deep Purple

Anyone on here that knows me in person knows my feelings about this band.

Fundamental for me, in my understanding of rock music. Heard more Purple, Crimson, Floyd and Zeppelin as a kid than almost anything else.

1 of only 2 songs I've karaoked
"More open-minded than Catholics".

Re: 70s rockers: Deep Purple

Masters of kinetic energy - seemless precision, almost machine-like intensity.

I think Blackmore's refusal to play the game has hurt their rep now, but he's one of the greatest guitarists. He set the stage for more - more speed, more technique, more power - all underpinned with a relentless, almost megalomaniacal logic. He's the root of all speed and shred that came in the 80s, though unlike much of that scene, he was matched by a killer band.

Also think that there were too many egos, too many disputes, too many lineup changes and spin-offs (Rainbow's Rising is as brilliant as the best D.P material), but even amongst a particularly muddled back catalogue, In Rock, Fireball, Machine Head, Made In Japan and Burn are enough to secure their position into the pantheon.


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