WTF w Marc Maron

Total votes: 4 (20%)
Not Crap
Total votes: 16 (80%)
Total votes: 20

Podcast: WTF w Marc Maron

The poll on the old forum became a place to discuss recent interviews more than to C/NC the podcast itself. Either way, here's a new thread/poll.

I enjoyed the John Mellencamp ep on the weekend while doing housework. The Coug's 70-year-old smoker's chuckle sounds just like Keith Richards'.

Back in the day, I was a weekly WTFer, but now I go months without listening at all; then I'll go back and listen to the few interviews that interest me.

Re: Podcast: WTF w Marc Maron

Smart, good interviewer. Much prefer the guests who are on "just because," rather than those promoting a widget or whatever. I always skip the 10-15 min intro, listening for the blooze lawyer guitar transition as a marker. Really not a fan of the whole *shout-talk as signifier of intense personality* thing he slips into, but I suspect that's just an older comedian generational quirk, and the worst of it happens during the intro I pass up anyway.

WTF NC w/generous skimming
I guitar Conformists.

Re: Podcast: WTF w Marc Maron

He's not a good interviewer because he usually interrupts his guests, often when they're about to say something interesting. He kills conversational threads.

The interviews barely go anywhere interesting anymore and I usually finish them feeling like they didn't dig into the person's career much at all.

WF: this doesn't apply when he's interviewing other comedians

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