Band: The Afghan Whigs

Total votes: 5 (24%)
Not Crap
Total votes: 16 (76%)
Total votes: 21

Re: Band: The Afghan Whigs

Could be off-base but I remember the band having some similar characteristics as Shudder to Think except without the eccentric singer, and, in turn, also less interesting. I don't dislike them, but they kind of fade into the background for me at this point.

Could go either way with waffles. I'll go with a tentative NC.
jason (he/him/his) from volo (illinois)

Re: Band: The Afghan Whigs

Normal 90s rock band + soul influence + killer rhythm section + evil Randy Newman

Not crap

Of course, the best Whigs song is “My Curse” which Marcy Mays sings. But I feel like Dulli might agree with that.

The SXSW performance where they did an impromptu set with Usher (Whigs covering “Climax,” Usher leading “Something Hot”) is delightful
sparkling anti-capitalist

Re: Band: The Afghan Whigs

Gentlemen is a good album. I haven't followed much of what they've done since they've reformed. I saw them a few years ago, and they were better than I expected. To end the show, they did 'Faded' with a bit of Bobby Womack's 'Across 110th Street' thrown in. Not crap!
"Whatever happened to that album?"
"I broke it, remember? I threw it against the wall and it like, shattered."

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