Drunks With Guns:

crap (No votes)
not crap
Total votes: 8 (100%)
Total votes: 8

Re: Drunks With Guns

The first three singles (later anthologized on various full-length releases) are some of my favorite music in the world. Stupid-smart, hilarious, and frustrated, w/great riffs and an um, extroverted singer. Almost accidentally poetic in terms of their succinct mockery of Middle American idiocy. Not to mention heavy as hell ("Wonderful Subdivision," Bloodbath," "Punched in the Head," "Enemy") for a punk band.

DWG actually re-formed circa 2018, it's just that the rhythm section has changed a few times since then. I was pleasantly surprised when I caught a show in Brooklyn that autumn. Expected nothing special, but Doskocil was way entertaining, and the lineup sounded pretty good. If you can even use such a word to describe the band that wrote the song "Dick in One Hand... " (the ellipsis makes the title, methinks).

Historically speaking, I see DWG as a sort of missing link btw. early No Trend and the Brainbombs. Hands-down not crap. (Ok, some waffles for many of the releases by the various warring factions w/in the band after 1987.) But still, classic.

Re: Drunks With Guns

God bless Drunks With Guns and all who sail in her. Looking at you, Rusted Shut.

Would really be interested to know about any current noise punk/rock bands mining this territory, but I fear that it's all been unearthed. It's challenging, at least it has been for me, to discover genuinely fucked-up sounding punk music. USA/Mexico immediately comes to mind.
Justice for Dexter Wade and Nakari Campbell

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