
Total votes: 5 (8%)
Not Crap
Total votes: 59 (92%)
Total votes: 64

Band: Jawbox Jawbox

first2letters wrote:The self-titled album is incredible, but weirdly produced -- it's the most rack-tom-heavy album I've ever heard, and it's compressed to within an inch of its life, which is not how I ever experienced Jawbox in the 8 million times I saw them live. I would love to hear it remixed, but also never get tired of playing it just as it is. It marks a place in time for me.The rack tom on this album cracks me up. I think the kit he was using was something like 10/12/20 with a 12" snare, everything tuned comically high. Sounded great, but very idiosyncratic.
Motherfuckers Move Slow.

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