Streaming Netflix - what's good lately?

Noticed the other night that Netflix has added Lee Chang-Dong's Burning and Andrea Arnold's American Honey to their queue. Though not "perfect," these are pretty good newer movies. Would recommend. The former works because it ends up being enigmatic without it regressing to "puzzle film" territory. And the latter, while containing a good amount of music that isn't my thing, shows a slice of life not often explored well in movies.Netflix will never be the "be all end all" of streaming platforms, but if they keep adding more titles like this it'll give them more of an edge...not that they necessarily need it.

Streaming Netflix - what's good lately?

I liked Burning a lot. Was kind of turned off by all the blurbs and shit by the end of last year that somehow made me think it was another love triangle psychosexual drama thing (and I forgot the short story it is based on) so I was happy to be mistaken. I think there may be a bit of nostalgia in it as well, reminded me of a time when I was all for the Murakamian tropes and archetypes - The Rat-type character, the passive protagonist, the Well, cats and people vanishing and reappearing. If there is ever a film version of The Wind-Up Bird Chronicle, I hope it's at least as good and enigmatic as this.

Streaming Netflix - what's good lately?

it's like... you think its going to be this victorian slutty indulgence like they all are and this one skips that... you think the woman is out for vengeance when its more like kill em with kindness... sometimes a philanderer needs a mom in life and you can be a friend and maturity breeds appropriation to be around purity... and also it parades the kinda man who goes from one obsession to the next meeting his match... he was loved and he was able to find love in returnits "the lady or the tiger" you guys... frank scotttron ... if you could feel true love to behold and know you could never keep it do you wish that romeo move on with another lady or be so overcome by you to take his own life with lions... if you could choose a mans heart for him the age old tale and i was surprised when we read it in school that all my girlfriends said tiger like "im the queen!" but wasnt the 90s still kinda the 1950s alittle back then? i chose lady because thats real love ofcourse cmon youd rather someone love you to death than find peace in their heart in your absence? selflessness is a truer love than possessionanyway so dont think i agree with the last smirk... for me it wouldve been like good thank god

Streaming Netflix - what's good lately?

We watched the Guilty on hulu last night, and very much enjoyed it. Danish film about a guy that works in an emergency call center in Copenhagen who gets a buzz from a lady who has been kidnapped. The whole film takes place in the call center, so the subtitles didn't make me feel I was missing visual stuff, although it's shot well. Very claustrophobic. Whole story happens in real-time, which is kind of fun. Doubt it would warrant a second viewing ever, but the main dude's face acting is solid, and while kind of predictable, I enjoyed watching everything play out.
kerble is right.

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