Pink Floyd?

Total votes: 35 (39%)
not crap
Total votes: 54 (61%)
Total votes: 89

Band: Pink Floyd

I remember being in high school riding around with my friends, a little high, on a beautiful spring day in beaumont, texas, listening to dark side of the moon. It wasn't the first time I heard it, of course, but it was the first time I really enjoyed it, besides listening to it at a computer or in some opium den apartment.
I don't know who put it on, around that time I discovered no new york and gsl bands, iggy pop and shellac too, so I was pretty not into that sort of music. Anyways, it was wonderful experience. I don't remember what we were doing, only who I was with, and how much I enjoyed the music. I don't really listen to it anymore, but very few bands get to make a record like Dark Side of the Moon. Pink Floyd did, so good on them, not crap.
I'm sure I'll regret saying this, but I think that record will be seen as one of the definitive western artistic statements of the 1970's.

Fuck a lot of their other stuff, though.

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