Re: A Few New Projects

Focused on getting #16 complete- and here it is: The Dronemaster. Would be a fine lap steel with the addition of a fretboard/markers- but this one is purpose-built.
Has a sweet stand mount that connects to the back via threaded inserts. Weighs a scant 5lbs 4 oz.
Spent less time on the Clydesdale- but the body is inside, getting the oil finish. starting to look alright.

Re: A Few New Projects

Hola Amigos! Been a while since I rapped at ya. Over the holidays my wife and I built a large loft on one side of our shop/garage- Should get a lot of the storage out of our way. Since our house is not big, and we have no attic or basement, this is pretty much where anything we don't want to live with 24/7 has to go.
The Bismarck also started recording our 8th album. Basic tracks and some overdubs at MRX last weekend. More overdubs and vocals today. Shouldn't take long.

And finally able to get back to building. Started fretwork on the 2nd Clydesdale. I imagine I will be done in 2 weeks or so. Already have orders for # 18 &19.

Re: A Few New Projects

Super cool lap steel- that is a great utilization of a CNC plasma cutter and a brake press.

Good progress this week, even though it was very cold. I was trying to wet sand the neck, but the water kept freezing. Got it done, but my fingers are still tingling a bit.
The pickguard is from those sheets of wall art, so they are matte sanded, which caught the light and looks white here. still refining that. Should be done next weekend if all goes to plan. I already have 3 orders stacked up. Gonna try working on all 3, rather than just 2 at a time...see how that goes for production.

this guy isn't spoken for, and the body is not as nice as it looks- so it'll be cheap.

Re: A Few New Projects

#16 (yes, I realize that when I stamped them I reversed this and 'The Homer') is finally complete. Took a few refinements, but here we are, and I have a stack of orders piling up. Let me know if you want it. Some interest locally, but you're my people.
Next up is Homer Mk II and a P-90 DC. Just cleaning up the shop to get ready for cutting.

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