Band: Can

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Not Crap
Total votes: 69 (93%)
Total votes: 74

Band: Can Band: Can

Get dog costumes, I love that first Michael Rother album. It's deceptively sweet with its peach fuzz guitar and Jaki's drumming mimics Klaus Dinger perfectly, albeit with a characteristic subtle change of accents. I think I like beat on Zeni the best which reminds me of Bring Me Coffee Or Tea.Speaking of Jaki, there was a breezy feature on him recently in The Drummers Journal. Still a superb and versatile drummer, I like his recent style with no kick drum and the dots and dashes of rolling toms.

Band: Can Band: Can

Mark Hansen wrote:I think the first Can record i got was Soon Over Babaluma. I either bought it used at a record store in Mt. Prospect, or else got it in a treasure trove of records some abandoned at an apartment building my father managed at the time (1973 or 1974, maybe 1975). That treasure trove also included the first Stooges album, Vanilla Fudge, Mountain, and the MC5.I still really like Babaluma, it has a nice almost Latin feel to it. I think Tago Mago is my favorite, but really, any of the first 4 or 5 records they did could be in the top spot.The first two songs on Babaluma are so strange. I know some of the strangeness comes down to the production and to Schmidt and Karoli trying to sing, but the songwriting is truly weird. "Come sta, la luna" especially - I love hearing it, but I love even more that this strange song exists.FM John George Peppers shared this, now my favorite clip of them, long ago in some other thread.phpBB [media]On Soundtracks, I like Tango Whiskeyman best. I love the idea of saving the snare drum for the chorus. Actually, for the second chorus. Now, that's restraint! Speaking of which, this is my favorite Liebezeit drum track. I think I can hear it in Evergreen's "New York City."phpBB [media]
chrysler wrote:The home page says "Welcome!", but the message board sometimes does not.

Band: Can Band: Can

Oh I may have mentioned this in another thread, but I picked up the first four "legit" Spoon reissues last week. I've owned several different vinyl pressings of all of them at some point, and these are far and away the best. Shit, Can is just the best.
**Do we need the other Chemical Bros. records??

Band: Can Band: Can

I just received Magnetik North's evolver in the mail today along with Basic Channel's Q-Loop from Boomkat.Magnetik North is Jaki Liebezeit's most recent project. It is mainly percussion based, hypnotic passages with ambient overlays. From what I gather, some of the tracks are Jaki playing drums and then ran through different "effects" that were being altered the same time he was playing on the recording. Lee Harris (Talk Talk) plays Djembe and Chinese Percussion on certain tracks as well.Excellent record. I figure if you're into Can, Eno, the more "mellow" sides of Einsturzende Neubauten, and Main, you'll dig this.Give a listen:Magnetik North - evolver.
lemur68 wrote:Why would you be where a jam band is playing in the first place?

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