Search found 858 matches

Drum hardware recommendations?

Ringo-I don't see your point at all - unless your kick has the appropriate bracket, how are you supposed to put the ride where your 2nd rack-tom would go without a boom?I'm a happy boom-stand user.I'm interested in your answer though.*edit*My advice would be Yamaha. Yamaha would actually be my answe...

Drum hardware recommendations?

danielruder wrote:Adam I wrote:My advice would be Yamaha. Yamaha would actually be my answer for 75% of 'what should I buy' questions, other than snares.Adam I, I'll pose the same question to you: could you elaborate on this? I've recording a bunch of Yamaha kits, but mostly for jazz, world, and oth...

Drum hardware recommendations?

dontfeartheringo wrote:Adam-my opinions on this are largely shaped by the fact that I am a very heavy hitter and having a ride cymbal way out there hanging over the kick usually, in my case, results in the stand giving up the ghost and rolling over, dumping the cymbal on top of the bass drum.Your mi...

drummers: what should i be doing beyond rudiments?

I found/find rudiments to be pretty much the best thing to practise for improving your overall playing, but then I like practising them which I believe makes me a pervert.Get a silent drum pad thingy. Also, being able to vary limb dynamics independently so that you can produce loud snare hits (for e...

What gear do you want right now...

I really, really, really want a new recording PC. Mine is causing me to seriously consider murder.It's served me well over the last 100 years, but now it's completely fucked. I've been trying to get ONE SINGLE TRACK finished for a compilation for 10 DAYS now. I get half way through a take of drums a...

Guitar question and drum questions.

Guitar question:One of my guitars has a dead spot. Not the fretting type of dead spot, but the sustainless type that one more usually finds on a bass. I've not encountered one on a guitar before and I don't know if there's anything I can do about it. I tried a Fatfinger, but that just moved the dead...

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