Search found 17 matches

TAR appreciation

Tar was definitely a missed band at the T&G fest a few years back. Would have been nice to see them.
Also if anyone wants to hear some Zaluckyj bass playing, post Tar, pick up Fred Schneider's Just Fred album.

tinnitus (or prevention of)

ear loves, I got a pair of those, and once I got used to them, I couldn't believe at the levels I was playing my instrument at, or at least what it sounded like when I didn't have ear plugs in. my inner right ear twitches every now and then for a few minutes. I can't believe the people that go to s...

comics you like

David Lapham's Stray Bullets is consistently great and the new hardbound collections are absolutely beautiful. Definitely a big influence on my writing. Lapham's stuff is often compared to Sin City , but Stray Bullets is far superior to that Frank Miller pap. Stray Bullets is the shit. It was my fa...

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