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Listen to each others bands...

OK, so I used to post a lot here, and went back and looked.. I posted up some really shitty music that I was working on, and while it was a learning experience... I think I've come a long way.Here's a song called Get Lost on an EP I'm trying to finish. Reflectivity is the name of the band - which is...

Lyrics you sing wrong because they make you laugh

jimmy spako wrote:more of a parody, but in school i used to break off some test tube baby, to the tune of ice, ice baby.i only remember a few lines:alright, stop, inseminate & listenscience is back with a brand new invention&will it ever stopyo i don't knowfillin' up the fridges with embryoIt's like...

Rap/Hip Hop at Electrical

PeteJF wrote:I'm sure Electrical would be really thrilled about the current requirement to auto-tune the crap out of every rapper who wants to be a ballad singer. Every time I hear this stuff my balls circle the wagons.Hip hop that actually gets heard is down the tubes. I'm fascinated by guys like B...

drummers: what should i be doing beyond rudiments?

dontfeartheringo wrote:Take naps.Also, play along with music a lot, particularly in headphones. Really, that's how I did it.This is very true. I taught myself to play after my dad taught me the basics. I think I'm doing alright where I am going.Get some in-ear earbuds so you can hear what you're pla...

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