Search found 42 matches

Lone nut or orchestrated plot?

After spending the last part of the eleventh grade studying this, I am still not sure what I believe about this, but I never miss an opportunity to show off my JFK Cake. http...

Home studio advice needed.

Audacity is fine for bare-bones stuff, but it also craps out on you from time to time and there's currently no recovery function. I am running the 1.3.4 beta, and at least by this version, that is no longer true. It now has a easy to use and understand recovery system (two clicks) that pretty quick...

Tell me about the world of Classical Music Performers

Okay, it's time to enter tl;dr land. 1. Yes, the CSO is a very respected orchestra. It is definitely one of, and some say the best in the country, and is up there with the LA Philharmonic, the Boston Symphony, the New York Philarmonic, and all of the other 'conservatory town' orchestras. 2. This lar...

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