Search found 43 matches

Band: Mogwai

10,000 people told me that this band was kick ass... then i listened to several albums... and I wanted to fall asleep... and I nearly did... Mogwai=boring... mogwai=zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzCRAP!!!zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz I though...

Band: Xiu Xiu

The other night I was trying to think of who did the terrible cover of "Under Pressure" with Michael Gira. Twas Xiu Xiu. There are some good ones though. I really like the song "Child at Arms".

Maker of Treats: Little Debbie

used to hate the oatmeal creme pies and i'd always get them in my lunches when really all i wanted was zebra cakes. and none of the other kids would trade me for the oatmeal creme pies because kids just don't seem to like these delicious little cookie sandwiches. now i like them very much. zebra cak...

Band: Wipers

I went on a Wipers binge fairly recently while at home. I kept playing it all over the place. The car. The kitchen. For showering times. At first everyone in my family HATED it. Which I find to be totally absurd. But I just kept playing 'em, especially Over the Edge, and eventually I think they came...

Drug: LSD

Never had a totally good trip, have had a couple pretty terrible ones. Still, I think I like it. I'm kind of afraid to do it ever again, but, dunno, seems like something everyone should try. Or not, for the simple fact that a really bad trip could potentially = some kind of psychotic break.

Drugs: Antidepressants

Lots of antidepressants/mood stabilizers are notorious for decreasing sex drive AND making people gain weight. So if you don't really need 'em, why the fuck would you want to take them? So many potentially negative side effects. Seems some doctors aren't doing such a great job of informing their pat...

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