Search found 454 matches

Best turntable for $500?

phildotidiot wrote:i just bought a new turntable myself. i researched online for about a week before i got something and here's the summary:'round here people are big fans of rega, the p3 in particular (although the p2 is also highly regarded).both of those tables are fairly expensive (if bought new...

Required Act While Listening to Vinyl: Flipping the Record

Not Crap To take it one step further, my turntable is a Music Hall that has no switch for toggling between 33 and 45 rpm. I have to lift off the platter and manually move the belt from one gear to the next when I need to change speeds. There's some charm in this but it can be annoying when I'm on a ...

Dead C US Tour?!?!

There we go... Oct 12th - Philadelphia, PA - Johnny Brenda's (with Blues Control and Pink Reason) Oct 13th - NY, NY - Bowery Ballroom Oct 16th - San Francisco, CA - Great American Music Hall Oct 19th - Chicago, IL - Empty Bottle What the hell?! They play two Sundays, a Monday, and a Thursday?! Fuck...

Man... Or Astro Man Question?

I saw Servotron once, too. That had members of MOAM in it, right? Yeah, the drummer and one of the guitar players. I saw them once at a Chunklet-sponsored laser tag show. After the band played (or maybe it was before,) the audience could challenge them to a game of laser tag. MoAM was fun live but ...

Band: Roxy Music

Stranded is great--I probably prefer Country Life and Siren slightly, but it's a great record. Same here. Country Life and Siren are the pinnacle for me. I love Brian Eno and I love Roxy Music but I think both did their strongest work independent of one another. The first two Roxy Music records are...

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