Search found 12 matches

Farfisa Organ oscillator boards

Bb? You're lucky. I need a C. Someplace called Mr/ Mark's Music was parting out a bunch of farfisas, a while back. Unpleasant people, and expensive. They might still have some boards. Haha, yeah I delt with them and it was not pretty. Mark's a fucking piece of shit. Oh, sorry to offer no real help ...

Stand Alone Mic Pad

Here are 2 that are available all over the place:

The Audio-technica AT8202 (10, 20, 30 db steps).

The Shure A15AS (15, 20, 25 db steps).

Both work great, are transparent, and are about $40.

Bad Wizard

I don't know. My band played with these guys recently and I wasn't very impressed. I don't really get the AC/DC references I always hear when people talk about Bad Wizard. AC/DC songs are mostly mid-tempo with each guitar playing different parts with a naturally overdriven sound. Bad wizard songs ar...

Hole or no hole, kick drum micing

While I realize this thread has just become another "shit on the soundguy" thread, I'm going to make an attempt to make some serious points. Yes, when hearing a drum kit acoustically in a room, I prefer to the sound of a kick drum with an intact front head. Unfortunately, it just plain doesn't work ...

Spit Sounds

although it sounds anti-intuitive, drinking water can help reduce mouth noise. I've been doing radio engineering for years and it's policy to have a glass of water in front of everybody, and tell them to drink some when they start making a lot of mouth noise. I'm sure Bob Weston can verify this from...

Royal Trux

yeah get "cats and dogs". It has truly amazing stuff on it. It actually sounds like the record is melting while it's playing at a couple points.

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