Search found 11 matches

PRF members' tech journal

1. rehead all drums and tune2.redo the wiring in my jap tele3.rebuild/modify several mic stands to make drum micing easier4.retube bassman 300 w kt 88s5.replace patched 10 driver in ampeg cab(I need a 16 ohm 150-200w 10, having trouble finding)6.wire my patchbay so I can quit cramming my fatass in b...

recording advice on a new approach

I record in a room similar to the one you describe,with loud amps and generally get pretty fair isolation between amps and drums.All of the amp cabinets are closed back. Try the large cond aimed in at the kit from behind the drums to get a close sound of the kit and a distant sound from whats beyond...

Which sd condensors?

Awesome deal on the on the 160,I am considering getting rid of
the m260 and the m500 for a pair of 160s. Yeah i'm shure the
AKGs would be fine but$$$. Sounds like alot of people are liking
the ksm 141s,snare,ac.gtr,etc, plus omni to maybe use in the

Telecaster strap?

Levy's with the brushed leather on the inside,they are about $40. Much better
than some 2" wide slippery nylon thing that I am pretty sure everyone has at
least one too many of. You will need a decent strap for when you decide to
pickup a $5000 goldtop(or $300 copy) anyway.

Which sd condensors?

I am looking to get a pair of small condensors for my studio. Right now I am liking the idea of Josephson c42s. Right now my problem is that I already have plenty of cardiod mics(421s,4033s,m201s,MG930,re20,etc.) but no sd and no omnis.I do not want to buy mics I will not be happy with. Does anyone ...

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