Search found 1280 matches

Traynor YBA4 combo

I have one. it's good for bass, but not that bassy... more of a low-mid tone (although it could be the fact that i'm still using the stock speaker and tubes). it also doesn't have much headroom and it distorts pretty easily at rock show volumes. so its usefulness for bass depends on what kind of mus...

Chi Trib: Vinyl is " cool" again

CDs are crappy. they don't sound bad at all, but ownership of them is unsatisfying. CDs that skip are worse than vinyl that pops. 3.5 inch squared art on glossy is nothing compared to 1 foot square on cardboard. their plastic cases crack easily, and worse, are completely interchangeable. in short, t...

Portland, OR!

hey... i'm going to portland this weekend just to see the city with my girlfriend. i'd appreciate any place-to-go recommendations or shows or anything... any portland posters?


i was reading an old tigerbeat magazine (what? WHAT?) and there was an article on Bush, and tigerbeat name-dropped "super producer Steve Albini"

it was hilarious. i may scan the article if i can find it again

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