Search found 11 matches

studio design

Although rectangular rooms can sound good, square rooms are generally thought to be problematic due to doubling up or tripling (if the ceiling height is also the same) of modes. You might want to watch out for that, especially the control room, which comes pretty close to the dreaded 1:1:1 HxWxL rat...


I think... D12 - cable lead attached to the mic - sometimes a brass frame D12E - XLR on mic body - plastic frame I know a lot of people who post here aren't crazy about these mics but I remember liking the one I used to use at Pachyderm... although maybe I would hate it if I used it now... who knows...

Microphones for toms

As far as fairly inexpensive mics go, I've had pretty good results with Audio Technica 4033s on toms. The bleed from the other drums in the kit is usually is more pleasing than the off-axis bleed that I've gotten using dynamics. I agree about using original 451s if you have the pads. When I worked a...

NAB - CCIR at 15ips

When a person switches a tape machine's signal electronics cards between NAB and CCIR, what actually happens? Someone recently told me that I can switch my M79 from NAB to CCIR at 15 just by using a CCIR alignment tape.

Is this true?

Repro head static pops...

I recently bought a 2" 24 track 3M M79 and I'm having some issues with static-like popping sounds coming from the repro head on playback. Sometimes it won't do it for several minutes but sometimes it does it more often. I had the repro head re-lapped by JRF and I'm wondering if it's related... ...

Band: The Breeders

Weird. I've always loved the guitars on Last Splash. Quite a different approach to tone than the one taken on Pod but I really like it. I've always wondered how much of it was ye olde acoustic through a Marshall that Kim used to like to use. I personally can't really find much to fault in the playin...

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