Search found 243 matches

with reverence

I treat my CDs good but not like babies. If I accidentally drop a CD I'm not gonna freak out about it, unless I drop in something like sulphuric acid or a pit of snakes dressed up like Insane Clown Posse fans.

Chunklet Magazine

Fire my ass. It was the CIA! whether this is a joke or you are serious, you are a logorrheic idiot either way I actually tried to hunt down the real info and it doesn't seem to exist online so I figured that maybe it was kinda like Hoffa and know one really knew what happened. I liked that band a g...

George W. Bush

scelops wrote:OH...OH...He's gunna cry for our troops!

-What a guy!

-I mean, -What a dick.


He's not crying for them. He's crying because they didn't pray for him.

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