Search found 26 matches

Band: Big business

i like these guys alot. i've got Head for the Shallow & Here Comes the Waterworks and i think they both slay face. the last time they came to town i enjoyed watching them more than the Melvins.

Author: David Foster Wallace

i've only read Everything and More , but just for that i'll say Not Crap. i got really interested in math for the first time ever after i read that, even though parts were really over my head. really entertaining with tons of weird factoids. i even bought some of the books for further reading that h...

People: ART Students

didn't mean to ruffle anyone's feathers about the Uppity Art Fag thing, if i did. it was written on a bathroom stall about a friend and we thought it was dumb/funny. i didn't mean that all art school people are art fags

n-mn: no middle name

my dad was totally set on my middle name being Danger, so i could say Danger is my middle name. he really thought it would be a great idea. thanks to Mom it didn't happen and he still bitches about it. my half-sister still calls me Danger alot. her middle name is Starr. not a typo, 2 r's. my dad and...

Film: The Dark Knight

Not Crap at all. i saw it 3 times, twice for free. at first i hated to admit it, but Heath Ledger's Joker lived up to the hype. Bale's Batman-voice was really irritating at times. and i did cringe when Morgan Freeman showed up onscreen, but that's my problem i guess. he just seems to play the same c...

People: ART Students

that's interesting about the food stamp thing...i don't see it as a completely inane thing to's a good way to see how the other half live even if it's only for a measly $20/month...also it's a way for them to be somewhat independent of their rich parents...though getting a job would be bett...

Ear Decoration: Spacers

Not Crap. they don't bother me, but i doubt i would ever get any. there is a waffle factor though, because i've smelled someone's ears (from a distance) who didn't take care of theirs and it smelled like a rotting animal stuffed with cheese.

band: Soundgarden

Not Crap, many waffles for the "'soulful' douche-chilling wails" and the later albums. it's like they realized, "Hey! We're getting paid for this! Why try any harder than we have to?" i thought they had many a good riffs

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