Search found 233 matches

Fuck this Comcast Cable, let's talk about other options

Holy shit, I had no idea about all this jazz with the tvs and videos and games and such. I have not had cable for 16 years, and was pretty happy to get a couple additional PBS channels went the digital standard kicked in. I rent dvds from my neighborhood shop (not a chain, and has lots of indie/fore...

Band: Deerhunter Deerhunter

P.J. Craven wrote:Always hated this band, but this new song is excellent.Oh, someone else noticed already:hauteblooded wrote:Halcyon Digest is very good. Desire Lines in particular is fantastic.Even the lyrics in this song are good.Helicopter is my jam, but overall the new lp is lacking vs. Microcas...

Best turntable for $500?

jurgis rudkus wrote:enframed wrote:as far as i last heard from someone who knows, music hall and pro-ject are essentially the same tables made in the same factory in czechoslovakia. music hall is marketed far better than pro-ject. that's the main difference between them.There's still a Czechoslovaki...

Best turntable for $500?

enframed wrote:as far as i last heard from someone who knows, music hall and pro-ject are essentially the same tables made in the same factory in czechoslovakia. music hall is marketed far better than pro-ject. that's the main difference between them.There's still a Czechoslovakia? Weird.Anyway, to ...

Best turntable for $500?

eephour wrote:So Circus, what exactly are you looking for in a table? Are you hellbent on vintage? If so, just remember that, like a 30-40 year old car, a machine that old will almost always need servicing. So, I'd keep that in mind and keep an eye out for a good technician or repair shop.If you're ...

Obama s VP.

Richardson's ok, Gore would be nice. Powell? An all-black ticket? That would sure worry some folks... I am more worried about this, however... Took this photo today at lunch -- have not read the Sun-Times piece yet:

What in the hell is that Orangina furry commercial about?

Did any one here find it at all..... ... arousing? I mean, I just find it creepy and upsetting, but presumably some people find it sexy, right? Or they wouldn't have made it? You can share it with us. We're an understanding bunch. Presumably, this guy loves it:

You can have any car you want.

This one I found just two blocks from my home... Never heard of the make before, but the web tells me it's German... NSU (Neckarsulmer Strickmaschinenfabrik) Prinz IV, probably mid-1960's: There's a fantastic NSU museum in Necksarsulm that's full of the wackiest German machinery. Highly recommended...

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