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Little details from your day

Just had a great idea: Drinking Math Club Everybody gets together at a bar and drinks. Each person brings a difficult math problem and the group solves it together and everyone learns something! Who's in? I would participate in this. You'll have to start a seattle branch. This is happening. Edit to...

Little details from your day

Just had a great idea: Drinking Math Club Everybody gets together at a bar and drinks. Each person brings a difficult math problem and the group solves it together and everyone learns something! Who's in? I am not very advanced at math but I think it would be fun . . . Sounds like the table I usual...

Little details from your day

Just had a great idea: Drinking Math Club Everybody gets together at a bar and drinks. Each person brings a difficult math problem and the group solves it together and everyone learns something! Who's in? I am not very advanced at math but I think it would be fun . . . Well I got the idea from us a...

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