Search found 181 matches

City: Roma

Yo, Finally, a post I feel eminently qualified to respond to as I grew up in Rome. Trastevere is the part of Rome most insidiously coated with plastic and marketed by the tourist industry to have character . I'd avoid if I were you. It does have a somewhat special place in my heart as I got juiced t...

Film: Sin City

Movie was a fun if blasting insult to intelligence and caterer to comic fetish (sure this was intended). Psychedelic Tarantino scene raises question: is he TRYING to make us hate him? Proposed query for those trumpeting their ability or virtue to waltz into cinema and take in movie without predispos...

Artist: Jeff Koons

A lot of his work is aesthetically pleasing to me, and I think its funny too. Easy peasy NC. Then, applaud you as I might for getting what you can from the lameness of Koon's work, you are misreading it. The point, apparently, is not to examine the stylistic merits of the work but rather the cultur...

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