Search found 20 matches

Writer: Al Franken

which part of "may be" was stated as fact? Good lord, please keep up. You said: he's funny . That is a statement of fact. "He is funny". Also, you said you may be wrong . If you honestly believed you and I both had opinions, one would not have the possibility of being wrong. The only way I can be w...

Writer: Al Franken

you don't think al franken is funny Totally. I will concede that point. I misspoke. I loathe statements that promote opinions as fact. One slipped by me. So let me rephrase.... I do not think Al Franken is funny, but not because of his politics. he's funny, you may not think so but you may be wrong...

Writer: Al Franken

this question was not addressed to me, so i will answer it. every citizen of the united states can have their phone, home, or business bugged by the government without a judges' consent or even the gray area of probable cause. this is unlawful search, anytime anyone is denied constitutional rights ...

Writer: Al Franken

It is currently defended by brain-dead lying whore Ann Coulter. Haha... I would never ever defend Ann Coulter. She is truly a lunatic. But do enjoy how the right dismissively rolls its eyes at their raving lunatic liar, and the left embraces theirs (Michael Moore). Because it protected a status quo...

Writer: Al Franken

House Committee on Un-American Activities: Not my area of expertise, but I don't see this as a consistent policy of the right because McCarthy was a Republican any more than censorship is a 'policy' of the left because Tipper and Al Gone and the rest of the PMRC were democrats. Assholes are assholes...

Writer: Al Franken

That said, I know of no instance in the United States where the Left Wing has punished great numbers of the innocent to the point of death or prison, and the Right Wing does it all the time.

Examples please.

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