Search found 15 matches

The Office

This reminds me of an article I was reading recently about some of these obsessive collector types. I think one of the guys might've collected every piece of Yes memorabilia known to man; most of the other dudes seemed normal enough, in comparison to this one guy who collected paintings by known se...

How the election was won

i think anarchy is a nice theory, but as a model for the world i really don't think it'd work at all. moreover, i think it shows poor form to be suggesting anarchy / not voting as a solution to the world's problems. i have respect for what fat mike tried to achieve in, as he suggested, educating pe...

How the election was won

NOFX's "Fat" Mike Burkett, the man who created the Punk Voter movement, isn't happy about the results of the election. Then again, he's proud of the impact that his organization had to disseminate information to and mobilize young voters. While the organization's ultimate goal -- electing Kerry -- ...

Electrical Audio Exit Poll

yes, i dont have a chance with spineless conformists like you. and what is the problem with oil from alaska? we could then just write off the middle east and watch the whole thing fall into chaos. and before we could ever use it all, hydrogen cells will be small enough and cheap enough to replace o...

Electrical Audio Exit Poll

Been played my ass. There is absolutely nothing wrong with voting for someone you don't like. Why would someone like me do that? Well, I voted for Kerry because there are more things at stake than my dignity. I don't want a republican majority in DC. I don't want more oil to come from Alaska. So wh...

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