Search found 15 matches

Show us your amps!!!

here's mine- surprisingly blues lawyer amp brings some serious rock. SO nice not having a bunch of shit in the way in a cluttered preamp though.. i really like this thing, and loud as balls for 18 watts- especially if i use this thiele cab and an open back 112 with.

cabinet building question

TheMilford wrote:vogelscheuche wrote:arablue wrote: unfortunately, good luck extrapolating that vs. celestion drivers.. closest i came is with a CL80. no idea about jensens.. but emi's got a couple, and of course.. well .. there's the EVM.insofar as problems beyond that.. theres theoretically the ch...

cabinet building question

arablue wrote:what other issues might arise from an improper speaker/cabinet pairing, besides phase cancellation? im still curious to know how small i can make a cabinet, assuming its built welli'm not so sure it'd be 'phase cancellation' with a 112.. moreso that the boxes port dimensions wouldn't r...

cabinet building question

another 806 user here. great cabinet.. a little fussy on it's choice of speakers though. with a bassman.. i doubt you'd have any issues pushing it though. i've tried a bunch of emi's and celestions in it (as well as the intended EVM), and an eminence delta pro12a lives in mine, and definitely will f...

Let's Trade! My \_\_\_ for your \_\_\_

well shit.. i can't imagine going from a 200 watt behemoth to a 30 watter.... but mostly cause i can't imagine using 30 watts myself... i do alright with a pair of 84's.... i'll play though... i'll trade a pretty new 8 ohm hellatone h30 (a rebranded celestion g12h30) for yer classic lead 80 8 ohmer....

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