Search found 97 matches

Most embarrassing moments in your rock music education

*My first concert was Aerosmith and Skid Row. I was way more excited about Skid Row. *I've seen Elton John. I've also seen Ringo Starr's All-Star Band (with Burton Cummings, Joe Walsh, Todd Rungren and Zack Starkey). *I once owned a Color Me Badd cassette. *When I was 11 I was arrested at the mall f...

Band: French Toast

My band is playing with this band at the end of the month. The flyer I've seen says it has members of The Make-Up, Fugazi and Nation Of Ulysses, so I assume it will be good. Any opinions? Anyone seen them live?

Don Caballero sign to Relapse

I saw them at Southgate House in Cinci 05/04, and they were unbelievable. Ian is great, but these new guys never missed a note. And they played four or five new songs (I have recordings if anyone would like them to go on the gmail account). This new stuff is great. These songs are on the account if...

Don Caballero sign to Relapse

Is the new version melodically interesting, or is it all balls and chunk? Both shows I saw were nothing but old material, focusing heavily on "2" and "What Burns..." (which is all I ever really liked, but I REALLY liked it.) The performances were flawless. I saw the "real" Don Cab (4 members) durin...

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